A digital platform that meets the NHS framework for an end-to-end solution designed to manage patients, care packages and payments for all pathways including Mental Health and Children. Streamlining admin, enhancing transparency for faster AACC and CHC decisions, and improving patient care.

Developed with the NHS

Developed in conjunction with the NHS, the NHSE CHC Strategic Improvement Programme (SIP). The digital platform meets the NHS framework for an end-to-end solution.

Enhanced Quality and Efficiency

Delivers both quality benefits and cost reductions by effectively tracking patients and improving transparency, ensuring a high standard of care at a lower cost.

Increased Clarity and Consistency

Provides clarity of potential blockages and helps reduce unwarranted variation in eligibility and expenditure, leading to more consistent and fair healthcare decisions.

Complete End-to-End Platform

Developed with the NHS, IEG4’s Digital CHC solution offers a cloud-based system for CHC/AACC assessments and payments.
  • Compatible with all devices
  • Hosted on Microsoft Azure
  • Aligns with the NHSE National Framework
Nurse working on ipad

AI Transcribe

AI Transcribe, powered by Made Purple, is an intelligent speech-to-text module designed to streamline the CHC process. Fully integrated within IEG4’s end-to-end Digital CHC platform, it enables healthcare professionals to convert speech into structured text, reducing manual note-taking and improving accuracy during Multi-Disciplinary Team (MDT) meetings.
  • Reduces time spent on manual administration tasks
  • Enhances accuracy in MDT meetings and assessments
  • Improves staff wellbeing and retention

Video Series - A Patient's Journey

Welcome to IEG4’s video series, offering insights into each stage of the CHC process. Whether you’re a healthcare professional or interested in CHC, our videos guide you through how our end-to-end solution is transforming the process.

In the first video, ‘Patient Demographics and the First Assessment,’ we explain how patient data is collected and used in the initial assessment to determine CHC eligibility, ensuring a smooth and efficient process.

Explore our other videos showcasing the complete patient journey through the CHC process
Smiling woman with glasses looking to the side
62% increase

Improving patient care by supporting medical teams

Increases the percentage of referrals meeting the 28-day deadline from 17% to 79%
Two medical professionals discussing information on a tablet


IEG4's Healthcare Platform has proven results in:
  • Efficiency Gains: Reduced late referrals beyond the 28-day standard, while decreasing out-of-date reviews and achieving a 90% reduction in printing and stationery costs.
  • Data Quality: Improved referral data quality and acceptance rate, reducing incomplete checklists.
  • Compliance: Enhanced national framework compliance with accurate, typed DST information and virtual MDTs.
  • Patient Satisfaction: Fewer disputes and higher patient satisfaction with complete and verified referral information.

Digital CHC Solutions

Developed using the latest technology in partnership with the NHS.

Digital Referral Solution

The Digital Referral Solution provides a single point of entry for new patient referrals, conducting Responsible Commissioner and minimum dataset checks, while offering workflow and case management, along with automated patient communication.

End-To-End Case Management

End-to-End Case Management handles patient and care provider data, maintains an online audit trail of progress and decisions, manages document storage, and automates communication through standard templates via email and letters.

Digital Workflows

Digital workflows cover referrals, decisions, reviews, reassessments, care package approvals, CYP transitions, COPDOL, initial contacts, direct full assessments, eligibility disputes, and retrospective reviews of previously unassessed care periods.

Digital CHC Directory of Services

The Digital CHC Directory of Services offers a comprehensive end-to-end case management solution that mirrors the national framework and supports NHS Digital Strategy, streamlining the CHC/AACC process from referral to payment with powerful workflows and automation. It features seamless integration with NHS SPINE, a patient portal for updates, a provider portal for improved communication, digitized invoicing, a finance module for service delivery confirmation, and is cloud-hosted in Microsoft Azure.


Explore some Frequently Asked Questions to find quick answers to the most common queries and get helpful information about our services.

How does IEG4’s platform benefit the providers of continuing healthcare?

Providers that use IEG4’s healthcare solution have seen a huge saving in administration time as well as a reduction in errors and delayed payments. IEG4’s Digital CHC system has many benefits that help both ICBs and care providers with the management of their patient records and financial systems. The introduction of the finance module from IEG4 has fundamentally changed the way ICBs and providers, record and process data and process payments.

How does IEG4’s platform benefit a patient?

IEG4’s Digital CHC System has been designed to give full visibility of each case for both patients and professionals. The Continuing care process can be complex and confusing at an already stressful time for patients and families. Providing transparency, simplifying the process, delivering service efficiencies, enabling access to patients and families develops a positive relationship and creates a culture of inclusivity that is beneficial to support quality nursing care, family/provider cohesiveness and patient safety. Our Patient Portal provides patients, their families and professionals with access to information in real-time to ensure effective communication, clarity of the process and eliminates delays, worries and unnecessary contact.

What make IEG4’s platform different from other solutions in the market?

IEG4’s Digital CHC end-to-end solution is built from the ground up with an NHS organisation to ensure that we overcome every challenge faced for every person involved in the process. Patient outcomes have remained at the heart of every digital strategy so ensuring data accuracy is prioritised has ensured that this paramount in every development stage. Reducing areas that allow for human error has meant that the data input in the system is correct first time every time and administration staff don’t have to go between multiple systems to reinput the patient information.

What are the time scales for implementing IEG4’s system?

When partnering with ICBs, our goal is to ensure full operation within four – six months, including seamless data migration and transitioning to our platform from your previous suppliers.