Discover the Customer Portal, a state-of-the-art platform that transforms how citizens, businesses, and councillors interact through advanced digital technologies. This user-friendly portal enhances service delivery and operational efficiency and streamlined communication tailored to local authority needs.
Mother and daughter sitting at a table, looking at a smartphone and smiling

Solution built for users needs

Our Customer Portal breaks down traditional barriers that customers face when transacting with councils
by providing them with the ability to:
  • Sign-in quickly and easily using email/social media/SMS
  • View their data in a way designed for optimum user experience
  • Complete online requests
  • Track the progress of any request/report they make online

Key Features

Single Sign-in/Register

Access the platform via email/password or through OAuth2 services including Microsoft, Google, Facebook accounts, and the NHS App, featuring built-in address look-up and a link to your privacy statement.

Sign-up with mobile

We acknowledge users’ growing preference for messaging services over traditional email communication. Our solution has been enhanced to allow users to create an account using just their mobile phone number.

My Account - Personalised Dashboard

The ‘My Account’ function allows customers to customise their digital accounts, highlighting their frequently used service areas and content.

Get Answers Fast

A single, customisable interface for council customers, featuring real-time authentication, personalised content integration across various departments like Bins/Waste and Council Tax, and style adaptability to align with changing branding, all manageable by council staff without external assistance.

Submit & Track Requests

The portal enhances user experience by allowing customers to fill out and manage online forms with pre-populated details, track request progress, receive customised notifications and contextual messages, and interact dynamically with council or contractor staff through document uploads, viewing, and responses.

Your Profile

The platform enables customers to update personal details such as name, address, and contact information, link their Facebook account, and customise notification preferences across SMS, WhatsApp, and Facebook Messenger.

Friends, family and authorised users

The Customer Portal includes a 'Friends and Family' feature that allows users to share their account with trusted individuals or staff, who can manage services, transactions, and track updates on their behalf, with the option to revoke access at any time.

Customer Timeline

The Customer Timeline feature offers users a comprehensive, at-a-glance view of all account activities, including completed forms, received notifications, access logs, and interactions, with clear details on communication methods like Email, SMS, WhatsApp, and Facebook Messenger.

Dedicated portals for specific audiences

Our Portal Solution features customisable sub-portals tailored for specific user groups like citizens, businesses, and council departments, allowing precise control over accessible content, form completion, and service monitoring.

Account Management

The Account Management function allows councils to monitor customer sign-ups, track email validation status, and utilise a search function to view account details, access status, and disable accounts as needed.

Loved by Many

Tried, tested and loved by local governments