This solution streamlines the creation, testing, and deployment of ready-made and customisable digital low-code forms, enhancing data collection and interaction with citizens and businesses, while offering robust integration with various external systems and applications.

Over 1200 forms

Users gain access to a library of over 1200 forms and can participate in a forms community, allowing for the sharing of created forms among authorities.
The Forms Designer enables councils to:
  • Build and deploy intelligent online low-code forms rapidly
  • Add custom-built rules
  • Integrate existing systems including bookings and payments
  • No coding needed

Key Features

Inbuilt Content Management

Enables adding and editing guidance notes, question wording, and declarations directly in forms, enhancing flexibility and control over form content.

Alternative Language Support

Supports the inclusion of multiple languages in forms, making the forms accessible to a broader audience.

Email Receipts and Reminders:

Sends automated emails upon form actions like saving or submitting, and can send reminders if a form is not completed, improving communication and engagement.

Mobile-responsive Design

Forms are responsive across different devices, ensuring accessibility and usability regardless of the device used.

Accessibility Features

Supports WCAG 2.2, making forms navigable via keyboard or speech-assist technologies, and includes high contrast and adjustable font sizes for better readability.

Enhanced Security

The platform boosts form retrieval security by allowing customisable reference numbers, optional prefixes, adjustable character specifics, and added layers of protection like security questions and captcha verification to minimise unauthorised access.

eMapper Integration

eMapper facilitates the seamless transfer and integration of form data into specific XML formats for efficient processing and automatic updates in back-office systems, enhancing data consistency and accuracy.

Forms Portal for Council Officers

Allows staff to manage and interact with forms, including viewing form status, editing forms, or sending emails related to forms, all through a centralised portal.

Secure Access and User Permissions:

Restricts access to the forms portal based on user roles and permissions, including the option for two-factor authentication, ensuring secure and appropriate access.

Integration with IEG4’s Portal and Website CMS

Allows forms to be seamlessly integrated into the existing council’s portal or CMS, enhancing the user experience and access.

No Code Integration with Microsoft Bookings

Enables appointment scheduling directly within forms using Microsoft Bookings, simplifying the process for both users and staff.

Workflow RESTful API Integration

Supports automated data transfer to back-office applications via RESTful APIs, streamlining processes and reducing manual data entry.

Loved by Many

Tried, tested and loved by local governments